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RYT 500, Registered Dietitian, ACE certified Group Fitness Instructor, Stand up Paddle Board Certified, Program Lead, Love Your Brain Foundation

My daughter took me to my first yoga class at Bliss 8 years ago as a stress outlet. I proceeded to sweat to a prune and cried on my mat; I was forever hooked. That March I got married on the beach with all our children present, having practiced as a family that morning in the sand with the waves crashing. It was so wonderful to share in the yoga practice with the people I love as we embarked on this new adventure grounded in joy!

I have grown from a power yogi into loving and teaching many styles. My recent endeavors include leading SUP Yoga and teaching to survivors of traumatic brain injury .

Music drives my soul; my playlists are inclusive of most genres of music. I don't keep it to "yogi music" but of course there is always some. You can hear anything from Trevor Hall to the Rolling Stones in the same class.... though I must say county music is not included...ever … LOL. During class I encourage students to ground down, let go, flow, and always offer the opportunity to shower themselves in self-love! Setting the intention, "I am learning and growing" for myself and the group will hopefully help you step out of vulnerability with gentle curiosity and acceptance.

To contact Becky with questions or comments,

Email: bmiles612@gmail.com


"I wanted to let you know that not only was Becky an amazing instructor, but her gentle corrections and assistance with proper alignment, technique and such made this one of the best yoga classes I have ever taken. She was extremely positive, knowledgeable, and truly in tune with what I needed to do to make my practice the best it could be. I would take every class she would teach and for as much as I enjoyed this class, and learned so much about the correct way to do various positions. I have always had positive experiences with my Yoga Bliss classes, but Becky Miles was beyond outstanding!" -Judy S.