What Virtual Students can Expect
“Yoga Bliss classes on Zoom have helped save my body & spirit during these crazy times! I didn’t gain the “COVID 15 lbs”... I’ve done more yoga than I ever did before the crisis! The teachers are amazing and really make you feel like you’re in the room and part of the class. And I can enjoy yoga classes with my sister, who lives 100 miles away! She’s an advanced yogi and has tried other Zoom classes but joined YB and loves them too. Thank you Yoga Bliss!!”
An Amazing Workout
Easy & Stress Free Sign-Up
Improved Posture & Flexibility
Abdominal Strength and Body Awareness
Access to a Wide Variety of Class Styles & Top-Rated Teachers:
Restorative Yoga
Yin Yoga
Gentle Flow
Slow Vinyasa Flow & Meditation
Power Basics
All-Levels Vinyasa
Power Vinyasa
How To Sign Up For LIVE STREAM
New YB Student? We can’t wait to have you! A virtual class pass may be purchased for only $10!
Already have a class pass or unlimited account? Live stream is included free of charge!
Signing up is simple! Click below to view our scheduled "VIRTUAL ZOOM" classes.
Simply add your name to the roster to receive an email zoom link.
*PLEASE NOTE: A zoom link will be sent to the email associated with your account. Join the class a couple of minutes early; if nobody is in the zoom class a few minutes after the class begins, the teacher will terminate the zoom meeting. If you have any issues connecting to the zoom class, call 330-576-6687 for immediate assistance. Non-urgent queries may also be emailed to info@yogablissakron.com and will be answered within 24 hours.
Already have an Annual Pass or Monthly Auto-Renew unlimited account? Our on-demand library is included free of charge!
Signing up is simple! Practice anytime from our library of HUNDREDS of pre-recorded videos, accessible from a private Facebook page called Yoga Bliss Classes. Access is included with Annual or Monthly Auto-Renew unlimited passes, or a Monthly Subscription to unlimited videos may be purchased for $25. You must request access by direct messaging Virginia Wohlabaugh (social media manager) through Yoga Bliss Classes. Once access is granted, you may search the library by teacher. Many new videos are added weekly!
Types of virtual yoga Offered
Virtual Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is a therapeutic style of yoga that focuses on relaxation, renewal, effortlessness, and ease. Blankets, bolsters, straps, and other props safely support the body in various postures which allows the body to move towards a state of balance. This practice soothes your nervous system, helps you quiet your mind, and invites you to release deeply held tension.
Recommended props: One bolster pillow or a blanket roll (2 blankets rolled together); Two yoga blocks; One strap or belt; & one or two blankets (Mexican falsa blankets work great!)
Virtual YIN YOGA
Here’s some yin for your yang! In a yang practice such as power yoga and vinyasa yoga, we strengthen and stretch muscles and achieve a certain degree of relaxation for having done so. In yin yoga, postures are held longer…the surrender is deeper…and the connective tissues and joints are targeted. In this sixty minute class, we will offer a series of postures intended to safely and positively ‘stress’ the shoulders, hips, spinal line and the fascia throughout the body. Maintain healthy mobility of your joints, free your body of long-held stress and tension and assist the nervous system in finding a quiet, peaceful state of being.
Virtual Sunday Night Relax & Recharge
This class will help you unwind, quiet the mind, and relax in preparation for the coming week. A grounding and healing practice combined with meditative breathing will help you redirect your breath into releasing tension and stress from the body. Mentally prepare for the work week with Yoga Bliss!
Virtual Gentle Flow
Gentle Flow classes begin with warm-ups and proceed to step-by-step asana instruction, providing you with an active yet gentle practice that focuses on breath work, strengthening of the core and back, stretching, toning, relaxation, and meditation. This class will get you moving with basic Sun Salutations sequences with suggestions for modifications and proper alignment.
Virtual Slow Vinyasa Flow & Meditation
An uplifting class that begins with a seated breath exercise, followed by a slower paced yet invigorating vinyasa yoga practice. The last 15 minutes of class are dedicated to a long savasana and instruction for a quiet period of meditation to help your mind calm and let your body relax and absorb the peace and stillness. If you are seeking detailed asana and meditation instruction, or desire a slower paced yoga practice with longer holds and focus on breath and proper alignment, this class is for you!
Virtual Power Basics
A more vigorous flow that uses Sun Salutations to warm up the body and introduces foundational and balancing poses as well as hip and shoulder openers. Modifications will be offered to address both physical limitations and ways to make poses more challenging.
Virtual All-Levels Vinyasa
Vinyasa means "flow" and employs the technique of connecting postures, or asanas, into different sequences. This practice emphasizes matching breath to movement. Vinyasa yoga is one of the most commonly practiced styles in the West that does not follow a set series of postures. Therefore, any vinyasa yoga class can vary widely from the next.
Virtual Power Vinyasa
A style of yoga that flows from pose to pose, matching breath to movement during creative sequences designed to increase strength and flexibility. This class begins with a slow, mindful warm-up; progresses through Sun A's & B's; includes balancing, back-bending, and hip-opening postures; and may include inversions, arm balances, and core work. Expect incredible group energy, and an inspired and inspiring teacher!