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E-RYT-500, Certified Baptiste Teacher

I took my first yoga class when I was in my late thirties, and I was immediately smitten.  I received my 200-hour certification from Yandara Yoga Institute in Todos Santos, Mexico in 2011 and began teaching at Yoga Bliss that same year.

 I received my Baptiste certification in 2016 after training with Baron Baptiste in Sedona, AZ and Marble Falls, TX.  I was drawn to the Baptiste style of yoga because I loved how powerful it made me feel. I had never been a particularly athletic person, and yoga was the first time in my life I felt strong. But it was more than just physical strength- my Baptiste trainings helped me realize I had to change the story in my head that I had created about myself, one in which I wasn’t young enough or capable enough or “whatever” enough.  What I hope to convey to each student is that she too can break free from old mental habits and design a new story, one in which she is the (super)heroine of her own life.  I remind myself every day that today is the oldest I have ever been and the youngest I will ever be again, and how I choose to frame my circumstances is up to me.

My two favorite poses these days are adho mukha svanasana (downward-facing dog) and viparita karani (legs-up-the-wall)I- a gentle inversion gives me fresh perspective.  My favorite class to teach is hot power, and I encourage students to not be intimidated by the word “power”- if you come to my class, you will over time get stronger, physically AND mentally. I offer different modifications for the asanas so you can feel empowered to take the variation of the pose that works for your body on any given day.

 When I’m not teaching yoga, I enjoy going to other teachers’ classes at Yoga Bliss- each teacher has a unique style and I am invigorated and inspired by every one of them.  When I’m not on my mat, I enjoy reading, attending concerts and traveling.

To contact Jennifer with comments or questions:

Email: jabishop41@yahoo.com
Instagram: jabishop41

“My favorite instructor at Yoga Bliss! Each and every class with Jennifer, I feel I can bring my true self to the mat and practice freely. She cultivates this environment with thought-provoking questions & shared vulnerability. Aside from all the wonderful mental & emotional cues, her classes are always incredibly challenging & I leave completely spent. Out of all the teachers that I frequent at YB, she cultivates "play" more than anyone else by a long-shot. Research continues to indicate how important play is to our species, and not taking our practice, or the perfection of our practice too seriously. I would happily take Jennifer's classes daily. - Gregory C.