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RYT 200

Nickname: Rosie

Favorite food: Any roasted vegetable, avocados and sushi. Yum!

Favorite place: We camp often as a family. My favorite place is sitting next to the lake in the morning with a cup of coffee watching the mist rise over the water as the sun comes up.

Guilty pleasure: Curling up with a book and ignoring the world around me.

Hobbies: Reading, gardening, running , camping and cooking.

Who do you most admire and why? KInd-hearted, giving, gentle, and honest people who are making a difference in the world and not calling attention to themselves.

What is your favorite yoga pose and why? Triangle or Trikonasana This pose is amazing. Your feet are rooted into the ground while your arms are expanding. Your heart opens and you feel so light you could almost lift off the ground.

When did you start practicing yoga? I started practicing yoga is 1997. I tried it to help with migraines when I was pregnant with my first child. I enjoyed it and practiced it here and there. Then got away from it for a few years. I came back to yoga after a running injury to heal my body. I stayed with yoga when it started restoring both my body and my mind. I found that the peace yoga brought to my mind I couldn't find anywhere else.

Who were your teachers? I trained at Yoga Bliss and graduated in the 2015 TT class. I had the honor of being taught by Amy Boswell-Graves and Tracy Rhinehart.

Describe your teaching style? Energetic yet grounded and grateful.

What is your motto: Just Breathe. Your breath is the most important thing, whether it is yoga or life. Breath moves through us every moment.